
It's All About Building

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It's All About Building

What do contractors do? Well, they do sign contracts, but contrary to what their professional title suggests, the majority of their job involves building things. Some contractors create structures. Some contractors build plumbing structures. Others build roads. Yes, there is a lot of variety in the industry, but at the end of the day, it is all about creating structures and usable features from what were once raw materials. That's awesome, isn't it? Whether you are someone who is considering becoming a contractor or just a customer of contractors, we welcome you to read more about their work and profession on this blog.


4 Mistakes A Contractor Can Help You Avoid During Asphalt Sealcoating

Although asphalt pavements are durable and withstand heavy traffic, heat, and moisture, they tend to deteriorate over time. Potholes, fading, alligator cracks, and other damages may occur. Asphalt seal coating is a relatively simple project that restores the luster of your pavement. However, certain DIY mistakes may prevent you from achieving quality and appealing results. You might want to hire a professional contractor to help you avoid the following mistakes when sealcoating your asphalt pavement.  

1. Applying Thick Layers

Contrary to common belief, thick layers of the sealer will not offer more protection. Sealcoating contractors have enough experience and knowledge to determine the right amounts of sealing materials to apply to the pavement. Thick layers often lead to premature cracking that can shorten the driveway's lifespan. Applying thin layers guarantees quality and lasting results. You will also reduce the overall project cost by not overspending on the sealant and labor.

2. Failing to Repair First Before Sealing

Sealcoating doesn't necessarily fix cracks and potholes. If you use sealers to fill cracks on the driveway, you will need extensive repairs shortly after. Your contractor will examine the condition of your driveway and patch up the cracks and holes first. Undertaking repairs before sealing ensures lasting effects. Sealcoating is supposed to protect the driveway from external effects but doesn't fix existing damages. Your contractor will help you find the right products and methods to fix your driveway and seal the surface.

3. Skipping Asphalt Surface Preparation Work

Before applying the sealants on the asphalt driveway, the contractor will prepare the work site first. Skipping the preparation work prevents the sealant from sticking to the surface. This leads to premature wear. The professionals will clean the driveway to remove dirt and debris. You might need a power washer to remove dirt and stains that don't come off easily after sweeping. Priming the driveway by removing oil stains increases the outcomes of the sealcoating process.

4. Ignoring the Weather Conditions

Another grave mistake DIY enthusiasts make when seal coating is ignoring weather conditions. Sealers need hot temperatures for the curing process. Professionals might discourage you from conducting the project during cold and rainy seasons, where the moisture and low temperatures can easily damage freshly applied sealants. The experts will help determine the best weather conditions for the project.

There are numerous details to watch out for during the sealcoating process. Working with professional contractors can help you avoid these mistakes and enjoy outstanding results. Contact a local company like Carolina Striping of North Carolina Inc for more info.